Say “Hello” to new 6.5. version of the NAVIGATOR, in which plenty of small adjustments and features have been added. All the changes have been thoroughly described in our technical documentation.
- Digital signature on Mac – from now on it is possible to make signatures with devices made by Apple
- Loop on documents – the workflow procedure can be started from the document list
- Consultation management inside the workflow process – a new method of permissions steering has been added to consultations. The designer can turn off the possibility to pass workflow steps as consultations
- Wider configuration of notifications – the ability to configure the appearance of system notifications has been added
- Additional variables in system notifications – more types of fields from the document can now be added to notifications
- Expansion of conditions on the process step – the mechanism for building conditions on the workflow step has been expanded. From version 6.5, you can also compare fields in conditions.
- Possibility to undo consultations
- Role expansion – the ability to edit locked documents
- Ability to group workflow steps
- Controlling the required fields when rejecting a process step – from now on, we can set the fields in the workflow to be required when rejecting a process step
- Action “End workflow”– a new action has been added that ends the workflow on the indicated documents
- Action “Wait” – a new action type has been created in the workflow: Wait. In the case of the Wait action, the system checks the conditions and if they are true it goes through the process step. However, if the condition is not met, the workflow suspends operations for 15 minutes. After that time, it checks the condition again.
- Action “Print to XLS” – An action has been added that allows you to generate an Excel file based on a list from the system
- Action “Modify selected” for budgets – it allows for mass changes of fields on the form. After selecting the field and specifying the value, the change is applied to all selected documents.
- Changes in the files panel
- an option has been added that allows, at the form configuration level, to specify whether the attachment is to be visible by default or not. This allows you to manage the view of the form, especially when the file panel takes up little space on the form.
- a new option for attachment displaying. Now we can show the attachment inside the pop-up window after hovering the attachment name with the cursor. In addition with the modification allowing for turning off attachment display by default, it helps to create more organized forms.
- Improved support for archived contractors – in the current version, a button has been added on the contractor’s control that automatically updates the contractor to the latest “version”
- Limiting comments to one company within multi-company
- Error messages can now contain an action name
- Possibility to sort the circulation history
- Change of password encryption method – encryption algorithms have been updated
- “Approve and next” button on the document – a button has been added to be displayed on the document that allows you to approve the document and move to the next pending one in a single step
Marketing Intern, especially interested in SEO and SEM.
Right now is beggining to write his master's thesis in Informational Management at Jagiellonian University. Michał loves playing billiards, board games and is a huge e-sports fan.