News in NAVIGATOR | version 6.9

Category: News

As every quarter, we present a new version of NAVIGATOR, which enriches our software with many new features and improved versions of existing solutions.

New features:

  • Changes in list configuration: now you can generate lists by selecting columns.
  • Expansion of process step executor control: we enable more precise process control.
  • Change of process execution presentation: we added two new statuses: “Awaiting condition” and “Failed to execute”, making it easier to track the progress of the process.
  • Setting the status at the start of the process: we added a new status “Registered” for processes where it is necessary to set it after saving the document. This is particularly useful in the context of managing documents from KSeFu.


  • Expanded integration with KSeF: we added new actions, enabling even more efficient integration with KSeF.
  • Payment archiving: we have expanded the Payments module to include the ability to archive old payments.
  • Easier access to edit procedures and document types: with improvements in navigation, users can customize procedures and document types faster and easier.

Take a look at the technical documentation, where we describe system version 6.9 in detail, along with screenshots of the system.

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Tourism and Leisure Management graduate at IMC Fachhochschule Krems. After finishing university, she decided that digital marketing was her calling. At Archman she acts as a marketing specialist, where every day she broadens her knowledge about SEO and SEM. Mariia is keen on storytelling, and in her free time most frequently she reaches for Stephen’s King novels.

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