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Writing add-ons in NAVIGATOR

Category: Previous events
Writing add-ons in NAVIGATOR

Writing add-ons is one of the many benefits of the NAVIGATOR system. By knowing the rules of writing add-ons we can expand users possibilities in the field of developing and enriching the system with functionality unique for its company.

To this point we only held individual trainings on this topic, however we decided that our customers and partners should also be able to choose topics which they want to learn more about. If you want to choose a topic for yourself, you need to be a member of our newsletter list. New trainings will appear every quarter.

In the new webinar our expert will show you how to write add-ons.

Meeting Agenda:

  • Ways of writing extensions:
    • SQL – code in expressions;
    • C# – Application extension and main Extension library (usage, advantages, and disadvantages)
  • Extensions in SQL
  • Creating an action library
  • Extending the Extension main library

Participation in the event is free of charge, but requires prior registration.

Webinar is free, but requires prior registration

The webinar will be held in Polish. After the training part, as always, we will answer your questions.

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Tourism and Leisure Management graduate at IMC Fachhochschule Krems. After finishing university, she decided that digital marketing was her calling. At Archman she acts as a marketing specialist, where every day she broadens her knowledge about SEO and SEM. Mariia is keen on storytelling, and in her free time most frequently she reaches for Stephen’s King novels.

Date: 03.11.2022
Place: online
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