Electronic Workflow In The Company conference

Category: Previous events

We will take part in the conference “Electronic Workflow in the Company”, where representatives of leading companies will present innovative solutions and tools for streamlining and automating company management activities. We will present a Case Study of our NAVIGATOR solution at KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

The topic of our lecture: Digitalization of R&D Processes at KGHM

  • Overview of the functionality of the NAVIGATOR system at KGHM:
  1. Electronic document workflow
  2. Process automation
  3. Document generation automation
  4. Electronic signatures
  5. Analytics
  • Quantitative and qualitative effects of implementation

The speakers at our lecture will be our CEO Marcin Kowalski and Piotr Spaliński, whose experience includes working in independent engineering positions at KGHM Polska Miedź SA since 2011, in the area of research and development.

The event will be held in Polish.

We look forward to sharing our experience and knowledge at this event. We cordially invite you to participate! See you at the conference!

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Tourism and Leisure Management graduate at IMC Fachhochschule Krems. After finishing university, she decided that digital marketing was her calling. At Archman she acts as a marketing specialist, where every day she broadens her knowledge about SEO and SEM. Mariia is keen on storytelling, and in her free time most frequently she reaches for Stephen’s King novels.

Date: 25.01.2024
Place: online
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