Lesser Poland Programming Festival

Category: Previous events

Our expert, Marcin Szlachcic, will be a speaker at the upcoming “Malopolska Programming Festival” conference. Here are the highlights of his speech:

  • When? November 20, at 9:00 am.
  • Where? Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Informatyki, Toronto hall, Kraków, 17 Św. Filipa St.
  • Lecture topic: Marcin will talk about no-code, i.e. creating applications and IT solutions without programming: “Is it possible to become a programmer in a few weeks and start creating cool applications? Of course!

Lesser Poland Programming Festival is an event dedicated to modern technologies, programming and innovations in the IT industry. This year’s festival will include a scientific conference entitled. “In the world of codes – what the post-digital era brings”. This is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the impact of technology on our lives, social relations, culture, science and the future.

Who is the conference for? For scientists, students, teachers, academics, representatives of the business world and anyone who is interested in the topics of technology, programming and social change resulting from the development of technology.

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Tourism and Leisure Management graduate at IMC Fachhochschule Krems. After finishing university, she decided that digital marketing was her calling. At Archman she acts as a marketing specialist, where every day she broadens her knowledge about SEO and SEM. Mariia is keen on storytelling, and in her free time most frequently she reaches for Stephen’s King novels.

Date: 20.11.2023
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