Nowadays access to information is seen as a privilege in the digital world. However, the excess of information causes chaos in which it’s difficult to find what’s needed. The widespread business trend of implementing electronic workflow systems is becoming a standard. Document processing makes it necessary to take appropriate steps to ensure that the informational workflow within the company is correct and compliant with the procedures. Electronic document workflow systems are an effective solution in the process of organizing the work with documentation in a company. The implementation of the system should begin with a pre-implementational analysis, thanks to which it is possible to outline the degree of advancement of the planned implementation, determine the approximate time of implementation, structure of the company and its potential to use the implemented system in business processes. By using electronic document workflow solutions, both flow of the information and workflow are greatly improved. The paper document as a tool ceases to exist in the enterprise space, and the digital equivalent of a physical copy allows the document to be delivered to all decision makers or those involved in the workflow immediately, without the need to pass the paper version from hand to hand.
How to recognize if your company is ready to implement electronic document workflow?
If the document exchange process in your company makes the workflow difficult, and the number of sheets of paper on your desk makes it hard to find the right invoice or contract, it is time to think about an electronic document system. Electronic documents have the same properties and legal force as documents in a classic paper form, and the number of necessary procedures related to the workflow of a physical copy will be reduced. All of your employees assigned to certain steps in workflow can have access to corresponding information and you will be able to assign rights to review and modify documents. The system can be used by any employee, and the range of available options depends on the assigned rights. The process of implementing the system should be well thought out and well designed. Other companies that may have implemented an electronic document workflow solution may become more competitive in the near future. If every day in your company a lot of key decisions are made, partners issue purchase invoices, customers purchase your product, then certainly the amount of documents received is large. Readiness to implement an electronic document workflow determines the level of need for such a system in the company. If in your company the circulation of paper documents causes communication difficulties, slows down decision-making processes, requires the signature of an absent person or several superiors, it is a sign that it is worth considering the implementation of a document workflow tool. Depending on the size and structure of the company, the implementation process may vary significantly. Every company, in which documents are an essential part of functioning, is ready to implement a system that will simplify document handling. The initial hard work of transferring paper documents to the system will pay off in the form of less work and speed of operation in the future.
What are the benefits of a wokflow system in the company?
There are many benefits of implementing a workflow system in a company. First of all, you eliminate the paper form, in favor of an electronic one. The need to hand over a specific document in order to obtain a signature is no longer a problem. Therefore, you completely eliminate the risk of losing a document and what has been entered into the system can be archived. Of course, the workflow system does not exclude the possibility of storing paper copies on office shelves, so you do not have to deprive yourself of anything, but gain an effective tool to improve the work of the entire company. The electronic document workflow also includes OCR and Data Capture technologies, which, using artificial intelligence, allow us to read and transcribe data from documents to the system form. Creating a document workflow is a real benefit for an entire team or company where documentation is a key part of doing business. The ability to empower employees, the need for a supervisor to approve a document, the clear and fast flow of information, provide essential value for your business, and working efficiently with document workflows is not difficult and offers many opportunities.
What to remember before an implementation of workflow system?
Before implementing the system, you should keep in mind all the external factors that may affect the validity and success, in implementing a system for electronic document workflow. Conducting an analysis of the business sector, the characteristics and amount of documents processed, e.g. invoices, contracts or inventory levels, can play a key role in planning the electronic document workflow in a company. The digital transformation of the company in terms of document workflow can be quite a challenge from the technical side, but it is worth making the effort to implement electronic documents in the company, in the perspective of future work. It is worth remembering about appropriate employee training on the use of the implemented system, as well as security measures directly related to permissions to receive, sign and transmit documents by your employees. An important factor in the implementation of the system is the time needed for its implementation within the company’s structures, as well as for the development of the necessary competencies and skills to efficiently and effectively use the system.
The implementation of a system for electronic document workflow is certainly an innovative solution for modern business. Thanks to such applications, document management ceases to be difficult and the functioning of the whole enterprise is significantly improved. The readiness for implementation of electronic document workflow in a company can be recognized by the amount of work related to documents and the demand for modern and effective IT solutions for document management. Employees will quickly learn new solutions, document processing will become easier, and your company will streamline decision-making processes and speed up the execution of tasks related to document management.
Marketing manager and a student of Management and New Technologies.
Interested in implementation of technologies solutions in enterprises and management. Enthusiast of cuban cigars, good music and playing the guitar.