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The use of the NAVIGATOR system in artgeist company

Category: Case studies
Case Study: The use of the Navigator system in artgeist company | Archman

The circulation of documents and proper management of internal orders is a challenge for both large and small enterprises. It is worth optimizing processes in this area by introducing a system that will allow for smooth document management within the organization. We would like to present a solution that we have implemented for one of our partners. The project concerned a Polish manufacturer of the global interior decoration sector – the artgeist company.

Our common goals

artgeist is a Polish company with a global reach, which was established in 2004 out of a passion for interior decoration. Today it operates all over the world through online stores provided in 10 languages in 17 countries. The company’s headquarters and modern production hall are located in Wrocław.

The main project aim for artgeist was to improve the internal document workflow. After the audit and identification of our client’s needs, we decided to implement an IT solution supporting the internal orders and purchase invoices acceptance processes. To fully adjust the capabilities of the NAVIGATOR system to the company’s needs, we decided to conduct a pre-implementation analysis. It made it possible to customize all the elements of the NAVIGATOR system to the specific needs of the client in terms of the circulation of cost invoices and management of internal orders. As a result, we have not merely accelerated order handling within the company but also more efficient work with purchase limits within individual departments.

artgeist NAVIGATOR


We proposed a solution that ensured more effective order management. It turned out that due to the growing number of said orders, the current way of processing them ceased to meet the needs of artgeist. The implementation of the NAVIGATOR system made it possible to organize the process of acceptance and order management. As part of our cooperation, we have expanded the service with a mailing model. It allowed all invoices to be collected in one place, and orders are sent to suppliers directly from the system level.

The system introduced by us integrates with Comarch ERP Optima software in the scope of automatic exchange of orders and invoices, which significantly speeds up the entire process and reduces the risk of errors that occur when entering documents manually.

Thanks to the use of a tailor-made solution, the circulation of invoices has also been improved. Importantly, invoices sent by suppliers are also handled using the implemented system. It is possible by sending documents by artgeist contractors to a dedicated e-mail, from where they go to the appropriate cells in the company. Such NAVIGATOR usage resulted in a significant improvement in communication between the involved departments and eliminated the circulation of documents in paper form.

The implementation of the module for efficient management of accounting documents such as invoices also allowed for faster and easier analysis of expenses incurred by individual departments.

Tangible effects

The introduction of our modules allowed the company to upgrade the process of receiving and processing orders along with improving communication with suppliers. Demand information is sent directly to the appropriate departments, which allows for faster fulfillment of orders.

Shortly, we plan to expand the existing solution with a module supporting production supervision.

“NAVIGATOR measurably influenced the improvement of the efficiency of daily work related to the area of ​​order management. All activities are carried out within one system. It  enables efficient approval and constant supervision over the ongoing processes. The introduction of the system has significantly relieved our employees of the need to manage document workflow manually. It is an excellent solution, the first effects of which we observed almost immediately after its introduction. We plan to develop the system and expand it with new functionalities. ” – says Anna Jędrocha, Financial Director of artgeist.

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Has been working with the implementation of IT systems supporting management for 15 years. He specializes in Business and Workflow solutions. Enthusiast of using AI to support business processes. Archman’s CEO and chancellor of College of Economics And Computer Science in Cracow.

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