Summary of conference “IT at universities”

Category: News

Paperwork sounds like the name of an exotic field of study. Meanwhile, it is an everyday reality at many universities.

At a recent IT in Universities event, we showed that it doesn’t have to be that way at all.

The most important thing for us was to present both perspectives on the subject – those of universities and students. That’s why we focused on such topics as financial workflow and e-office. And the WSEI (Cracow) representative from the IT department, Dominik Rosek, also talked about internships or recruitment.

In all the talk about getting rid of paper at the university, it is important to us that both sides see a benefit for each other. Without cooperation, you can forget about efficiency.

Hope to see you at future events!

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He feels best creating, that’s why he is in charge of creative marketing at the company. He writes a lot – mostly popular science articles for but other times fantasy "drawer novels". He also designs tabletop games and likes to treat it as a "break from digitization".

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