Previous events11.03.2021Intelligent Document Management, Budgeting, and Data Analysis Using NAVIGATORWe kindly invite you to another event concerning the subject of digital transformation in business, organized by our…8.03.21More
News, Previous events11.02.2021Budgeting in the COVID-19 Age: How to Design a Flexible Budget in NAVIGATOR?Cost planning in uncertain times is a huge challenge for businesses. In such cases, tools used to automate…1.02.21More
Previous events5.11.2020Rapid Application Development in NAVIGATORIn the HR sector time matters the most. That’s why it’s always worth using the appropriate software, helping…22.11.20More
Previous events5.11.2020Budgeting and Reporting in NAVIGATORYou are invited to another meeting, during which we will present NAVIGATOR’s BI functionalities. At our webinar, we…3.11.20More
Blog, IT solutionsHR Software for Employment Management and Soft Process ModellingHuman Resources departments more and more often are facing challenges regarding regulation reconciling. Not each HR activity could…8.10.20More