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Archman improves its information security

Category: News

We’re pleased to inform you that Archman Inc. has started the international PN-ISO / IEC 27001 standard implementation to ensure secure information circulation within the company and respond to the standards of the International Organization of Standardization.

This week, all employees participated in a workshop on standard’s details to improve their knowledge regarding personal data processing. We’ve learned, among others, what types of personal data there are, what specific regulations ISO 27001 standard represents, and what is a data processing authorization.

Łukasz and Jakub, our IT administrators, took a part in the additional training for internal auditors. They will be responsible for the proper information circulation security in the company and ensuring that each employee has acknowledged and implements the information security policy.

The first stage of standard implementation is coming. An internal audit will be performed soon. Then the external audit will take place.

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Has been working with the implementation of IT systems supporting management for 15 years. He specializes in Business and Workflow solutions. Enthusiast of using AI to support business processes. Archman’s CEO and chancellor of College of Economics And Computer Science in Cracow.

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