We are pleased to announce that we have started cooperation with Adecon Sp. z o.o.
ADECON is a transportation and shipping company that focuses on comprehensive logistics services, providing customers with the ADECON platform, where they can check the current status of shipments, delivery dates and order statuses in real time.
We have prepared an automation for the company to handle the purchasing process and mailroom handling, i.e. incoming and outgoing letters. We prepared the process for 70 users.
You can find more about NAVIGATOR’s electronic workflow on our YouTube channel.
Are you interested in implementing NAVIGATOR in your company? Join us for upcoming webinars with our experts who will show the system in action.
Tourism and Leisure Management graduate at IMC Fachhochschule Krems. After finishing university, she decided that digital marketing was her calling. At Archman she acts as a marketing specialist, where every day she broadens her knowledge about SEO and SEM. Mariia is keen on storytelling, and in her free time most frequently she reaches for Stephen’s King novels.